In this issue:
The right conclusions for the wrong reasons
LLMs not being great at causal reasoning
Halving models while keeping 100% performance
1. Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning Beyond Accuracy
Watching: ReasonEval (paper/code)
What problem does it solve? Evaluating the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in mathematical tasks has been primarily focused on the accuracy of the final answer. However, this approach fails to capture the quality of the intermediate reasoning steps, which can lead to overlooking logical errors or unnecessary steps in the problem-solving process. ReasonEval aims to address this issue by providing a comprehensive evaluation methodology that goes beyond final-answer accuracy and assesses the quality of the reasoning steps themselves.
How does it solve the problem? ReasonEval introduces two key metrics to characterize the quality of reasoning steps: validity and redundancy. Validity measures the correctness and logical coherence of each step, while redundancy identifies unnecessary or repetitive steps in the reasoning process. To automate the evaluation process, ReasonEval employs accompanying LLMs that are specifically trained on high-quality labeled data and possess strong mathematical knowledge. These models achieve state-of-the-art performance on human-labeled datasets and can accurately detect various types of errors generated through perturbation.
What's next? The findings from applying ReasonEval to evaluate LLMs specialized in math reveal that an increase in final-answer accuracy does not always guarantee an improvement in the overall quality of the reasoning steps, particularly for challenging mathematical problems. This highlights the importance of considering the intermediate steps in the evaluation process. Furthermore, ReasonEval has shown potential in data selection, which could lead to the development of more effective training datasets for LLMs in mathematical reasoning tasks.
2. CausalBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Causal Learning Capability of Large Language Models
Watching: CausalBench (paper)
What problem does it solve? Understanding causality is a crucial aspect of intelligence, as it enables explaining outputs, adapting to new evidence, and generating counterfactuals. With the increasing prevalence of Large Language Models (LLMs), evaluating their ability to understand causality has become a pressing concern. However, existing evaluation studies have been limited by the lack of a comprehensive benchmark, resulting in straightforward, undiversified, and homogeneous assessments.
How does it solve the problem? CausalBench is a comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the causality understanding capabilities of LLMs. It includes three causal learning-related tasks, allowing for a direct comparison between LLMs and classic causal learning algorithms. The benchmark incorporates causal networks of varying scales and densities to explore the upper limits of LLMs' capabilities across different difficulty levels. Additionally, CausalBench integrates background knowledge and structured data to thoroughly assess LLMs' potential for long-text comprehension and prior information utilization.
What's next? The evaluation of nineteen leading LLMs using CausalBench has revealed valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and upper limits across various scenarios. Future research can build upon these findings to further investigate LLMs' adaptability to specific structural networks and complex chain of thought structures. Moreover, the gap between LLMs' causal understanding capabilities in textual and numerical domains present opportunities for targeted improvements and advancements in LLM design and training.
3. Prompt-prompted Mixture of Experts for Efficient LLM Generation
Watching: GRIFFIN (paper/code)
What problem does it solve? Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of natural language tasks. However, their deployment comes with a significant computational cost, making it challenging to utilize them in real-world applications. While methods like pruning and mixture of experts (MoE) have been proposed to exploit sparsity in transformer feedforward (FF) blocks and improve efficiency, these techniques often require training or are limited to specific architectures, making them costly and inflexible in practice.
How does it solve the problem? GRIFFIN introduces a novel training-free mixture of experts (MoE) approach that selects unique FF experts at the sequence level, enabling efficient generation across various LLMs with different non-ReLU activation functions. The key observation behind GRIFFIN is that many trained LLMs naturally produce highly structured FF activation patterns within a sequence, a phenomenon referred to as "flocking." By leveraging this property, GRIFFIN can maintain the original model's performance while using only 50% of the FF parameters, resulting in improved latency (e.g., 1.25Γ speed-up in Llama 2 13B on an NVIDIA L40) without the need for additional training.
What's next? The introduction of GRIFFIN opens up new possibilities for efficient deployment of LLMs in real-world applications. As the demand for LLMs continues to grow across various domains, the ability to reduce computational costs without compromising performance will be crucial. Future research could explore the application of GRIFFIN to even larger models and investigate its effectiveness in different task settings.
Papers of the Week:
RELIC: Investigating Large Language Model Responses using Self-Consistency
Scaling Up Video Summarization Pretraining with Large Language Models
BuDDIE: A Business Document Dataset for Multi-task Information Extraction